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Kitten Season is Growing Longer, and We Need Your Help!

At Garlic City Kitty Rescue in Gilroy, CA, we've noticed an alarming trend over the past few years: kitten "season" seems to be stretching longer and longer, with no end in sight. Traditionally, kitten season occurs in the warmer months when cats reproduce most frequently, but with milder winters and changing patterns, we're seeing stray and feral kittens born year-round. This constant influx of kittens puts a strain on shelters, rescues, and the community. We need your help to manage this growing problem.

What Can You Do If You Find a Stray Cat or Kitten?

If you come across a stray cat or a litter of kittens, there are a few key steps you can take to ensure their safety:

1. Evaluate Their Condition: If the cat or kitten appears sick or injured, bring them to your local shelter for a medical evaluation. At Garlic City Kitty Rescue and other shelters, we work to assess the health of these animals, providing care for those that need it.

2. Feral Cats and Barn Cat Programs: If the cat is feral (not socialized to humans), it may not be suitable for a traditional adoption. However, that doesn't mean the cat can't live a happy and healthy life. Feral cats can be placed in barn cat programs where they are given safe outdoor homes. This is a great solution for cats that are too wild to live indoors but still need care.

3. Shelter Overload: Unfortunately, many shelters are already operating at capacity, so it’s not always possible to keep every stray or feral cat that comes through the door. This is where you, as a community member, come in!

How Can You Help?

We need community members like you to step up and take an active role in helping stray cats and kittens. Here are some ways you can make a difference:

1. Foster: One of the most effective ways to help is by becoming a foster. You can temporarily provide a safe and nurturing environment for kittens or cats until they’re ready for adoption. Fostering frees up space in shelters and gives kittens the socialization they need to thrive.

2. Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR): TNR is a humane approach to managing and reducing feral cat populations. Cats are humanely trapped, spayed or neutered, and returned to their outdoor homes, preventing future litters. Volunteering for TNR programs or simply participating in your neighborhood can prevent the endless cycle of stray kittens.

3. Adopt or Advocate: If you’re able, adopt a cat or kitten! If you can’t adopt, help by spreading the word about the cats and kittens in need of homes at Garlic City Kitty Rescue. Share our posts on social media, tell your friends, and help match cats with their forever homes.

4. Donate: Whether it’s time, money, or supplies, donations are always welcome. Consider donating to support medical treatments, food, and supplies for the many cats and kittens that come through our rescue.

It's Time to Be Proactive

The problem of stray and feral cats isn't going to solve itself. Without intervention, the kitten season will keep growing, and shelters will continue to be overwhelmed. By taking small steps, we can make a big difference in our community.

Garlic City Kitty Rescue is here to help, but we can't do it alone. Be part of the solution—foster, TNR, adopt, donate, and most importantly, spread awareness. Together, we can give these cats and kittens a better chance at life. Let’s work together as a community to manage the expanding kitten season and ensure that every cat has a safe place to call home.

For more information or to get involved, visit us at Garlic City Kitty Rescue. We need you now more than ever!

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